Hudna 2. Forget it. It's as full of shit (yes I do mean the gooey, smelly disgusting material, not the expletive).
Instead, do something practical. sign the petition. Because untill we contain the human garbage masquerading as freedom fighters from blowing innocent women and children into thousands of pieces of scorched flesh and shattered bones, we have no human, humane or rational basis for going ahead.
This petition asks the United Nations to treat suicide bombings as war crimes and that those who inspire them be prosecuted by the International
War Crimes Tribunal.
The Call for UN & World Leaders to Prosecute Organizers of Suicide/Homicide bombings, performing acts of terror against Civilians, as War Criminals,
was initiated by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and written by Dr. Edward S. Beck.
1 [one] million signatures are being sought for this petition.
Click on the following and please take 10 seconds to sign.
If you can, please cut and send this message to other friends, of whatever faith, who might also agree to sign the petition.