Monday, June 30, 2003

The new vocabulary of today.
Include the word hudna which, like so many words in Arabic, carries meaning beyond a simple word translation. It stands for tactical ceasefire - one that is acceptable to the near-continually-at-war status of the "devout" Muslim.
It is permissible to cease temporarily the attacking of infidels if the muslim is in an inferior position or in order to replenish. Ie, afterwards, it’s back to business as usual.
With this as a preamble, one can gain insight into our analysis of the seeming progress being made on the roadmap to peace.
The problem and reason that this too, alas, will amount to nothing in our opinion is the fact that there has been no change whatsoever in the strategic stance of the Palestinians. Even the saintly holocaust denier Abu Mazen is not talking about this being a stage in the disarmament of the population and the disbanding of terrorist organizations. And since this is clearly spelled out in stage one of the roadmap means that this paper, like the many that preceded it, is of little real value.
Add into the equation the fact that today there are many splinter terrorist groups who get their funding (and directives) from Iran and Syria and you will see some volatile ingredients for a future explosion.
Too bad. But the next stage will be the considering of an international mandate for Palestine. There is some merit in this as it is partly contained in our proposed solution for the region. I am quite confident though that it will be set up to fail as well.

Friday, June 13, 2003

I am not surprised. I don’t want to start saying I told you so. But…
Some readers have commented that I need to suggest a solution. Well I’ve been promoting one for years and I am happy to put it up for all to see.
How do we change the dynamics? We go to a new track. Politics is out. Person to person is in. whoever cannot abide by the rules is out. No excuses. Those who want to continue to try to solve their problems through indiscriminate violence must be regarded as terrorist murderers and dealt with mercilessly. Anybody fighting them by any means is engaged in regrettable, but necessary violence.

Next, set up three demilitarized autonomous regions with free, open means of travel between them. These autonomous regions will be comprised of local governments which will have as many responsibilities at the local level as possible. This is one of the most important steps for eliminating corruption – a strong local government rather than a powerful, corrupt centalized one. These areas will be policed by a force initially comprised of foreigners while gradually inducting locals to take part. As the mutual trust and new lifestyle takeover, the chances of coming together increase.

The residents of these areas will hold whatever citizenship they feel like possessing, including an autonomous region passport. Their destiny and freedoms will be in their own hands. Once the power structure of cemtralized corruption is eradicated, normal civilians can get back to getting along with their lives!

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Peace Settlers has returned!

After a long period of relative silence and inactivity, it is time to return to proactivity. This is not, alas, the result of a new opportunity for peace but rather because it appears that yet again, the stage is being set for further and GREATER disappointment. it is precisely these dashed hopes after great expectations that se the stage for negative dynamics to take over.
Because the real, bottom line issues are not being addressed. Because the real points of agreement are not being utilized to bring people together. Therefore, the process is yet again doomed to failure.

The Israeli - Arab/Palestinian problem is comprised of two main factors:
Political (nationalistic) requirements
Personal (civic) requirements

The axiom we must deal with is that there is no acceptable political solution to the Israeli-Arab/Palestinian problem. PERIOD!

Once this is fully understood and assimilated, progress can be made on the requirement which has much more real bearing on a persons life and future: the civic rights of all people in the region.

In other words: the only possible solution requires the DE-POLITIZATION of the conflict.

Since all of the initiatives up till and including the present one require a focused POLITICIZED arrangement, they are doomed from the start to failure.

There is no Palestinian leader who will be able to accept what is real will be ale to offer. Ergo no end to conflict can be achieved, ergo extremist elements will continue to prosper and make any option of radical Israeli concessions impossible.

I will end this post with the hope that the Almighty makes his will known to the world that it be accepted and acted upon and that peace will finally be part of our lives in this world in our lifetime.

My hand is extended to those who seek peace. Let’s work together to bring it.