I am not surprised. I don’t want to start saying I told you so. But…
Some readers have commented that I need to suggest a solution. Well I’ve been promoting one for years and I am happy to put it up for all to see.
How do we change the dynamics? We go to a new track. Politics is out. Person to person is in. whoever cannot abide by the rules is out. No excuses. Those who want to continue to try to solve their problems through indiscriminate violence must be regarded as terrorist murderers and dealt with mercilessly. Anybody fighting them by any means is engaged in regrettable, but necessary violence.
Next, set up three demilitarized autonomous regions with free, open means of travel between them. These autonomous regions will be comprised of local governments which will have as many responsibilities at the local level as possible. This is one of the most important steps for eliminating corruption – a strong local government rather than a powerful, corrupt centalized one. These areas will be policed by a force initially comprised of foreigners while gradually inducting locals to take part. As the mutual trust and new lifestyle takeover, the chances of coming together increase.
The residents of these areas will hold whatever citizenship they feel like possessing, including an autonomous region passport. Their destiny and freedoms will be in their own hands. Once the power structure of cemtralized corruption is eradicated, normal civilians can get back to getting along with their lives!
1 comment:
Over the ages people always desired a lasting peace; they prayed for it, imagined it, worked for it continuously since time immemorial. "Peace" is a goal of many religions and many ideologies; the reason that, so far, no lasting peace in the world materialized yet is due to our (sometimes great) differences in what we mean when we say "peace on Earth". Since we do not have a unified, common idea of the concept, "peace on Earth" can never happen. Instead we always end up fighting for our version of "peace", and we wonder why any lasting "Peace on Earth" never really comes about.
Knowing that every time of peace in human history ended in a war, what should "Peace on Earth" look like, so it would not result in a war again?
Unless we can answer this question, we can never achieve real "Peace on Earth".
We should learn how to imagine, in as much detail as possible, what would constitute a real "Peace on Earth", and then, since we each have different concepts of the idea, we should learn how to reconcile all our differences in models (or by using any other expedient way, e. g. in "gedanken experiments", meditations, "think tanks", etc.) in order to arrive at a unified idea of what "Peace on Earth" should be, because only one version of reality can manifest at a time--we have to ensure that this reality is one that is accepted by all of us who are to experience it; hence we have to "design" a reality in a model first, we have to see that we like it, and then we set out to materialize it coherently together cooperating closely and enthusiastically.
Unifying and reconciling of all the different ideas that we might have about the future of the Earth in a model, and then working towards this unified ideal would prevent conflicts from happening in real life, since, after all, wars happen because people go to war so that Peace happens their way.
So that we do indeed arrive at a reality that would be preferred by all, we have to first see (in a model) what it actually is that we, collectively, want! Unless we can agree on what it is that we collectively want, we would merely continue to strive for a reality that we would like to experience individually--and this would, of course, result in reconciling of our ideals in reality, with the accompanying suffering that we are all too familiar with: social and environmental degradation that happens only because we don't agree on what should be the best for all of us. In other words--instead of reconciling of our differences harmlessly in models (or by using any other expedient means), we let our differences to reconcile in real time/space causing real harm and grief.
The idea of modeling the future of the Earth is also presented, in more detail, at http://www.modelearth.org/modelearth.html .
If you think that there are any flaws in the idea, any mistakes that I am making, I would very much appreciate that you would let me know, please!
May all differences, all controversies, and all conflicts resolve harmlessly in meditations, prayers, models--using what-so-ever wholesome and expedient means--into the benefit to all beings, starting with all beings that there are here and now in this world! May there be no beings that would not benefit optimally!
Find, or imagine that there is, a mental space in which all the ideas of what anyone might think that their future should look like would be reconciled with each other, so that conflicts in real life would be prevented from occurring.
Please dedicate your practice to the optimal benefit of all beings of all three times and ten directions of space, starting here and now on Earth.
Thank you, sincerely -
Mr. Jan Hearthstone - ModelEarth.Org
If we, the people, were really sincere about having real Peace in the world, we would spend more on actively creating Peace using peaceful means than what we spend on the military!
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