A family was just slaughtered in their sleep,on the sabbath, by Arab/Palestinian marauders. HY"D
They only partly succeeded in their mission – these cowards were able to slaughter a father-a Rabbi- a scholar and his wife as they slept on G-d’s day of rest. They slit the throats of a 4 month old baby and another two young children. But they did not succeed in diminishing the love and dedication for the land of our forefathers, the land that G-D, the master of all has given us, the Jewish people.
These terrorists, the pride and joy of Arab civilizations around the world may continue their Muslim tradition of brutal murder and desecrating the name of G-d. With their brazen impertinence they and their cohorts will soon again be braying for an internationally recognized state of terror to call their own.
But these acts of barbaric violence will lead to the Arab’s losing any merit they might have had to live in the holy land.
It is time for the world to recognize that rabid dogs need to be put down - caught, tried and put to death. For they are not worthy of walking among men and polluting this planet with their inhuman infidelity and blasphemy. When good men show mercy to the evil, they end up causing evil to the merciful.
Let’s replace politically correct with morally correct in the eyes of the L-rd. If the Arabs truly want to live in peace in the Land of Israel, they might still have a chance. If not, the for the sake of peace, move in with your brethren elsewhere in the world.
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